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Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights, and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people. —Isaiah 10:1-2

As a Christian, I believe in a Christ who prioritized people—all people—not just the folks who looked like him, sounded like him or even believed what he believed. Jesus spent 33 years on earth feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and welcoming the stranger. His commitment to edifying the people and places around him knew no boundaries.

It is amazing to me that folks who claim to love Christ find it difficult to prioritize people other than themselves.

How can you love Jesus, who was an immigrant, and fail to welcome immigrants and refugees, who flee war and violence in their own country and enter yours? How can you invoke a Christ who violated Jewish law to speak to a Samaritan woman at a well and still manage to hate your same-gender loving neighbor? How can you support political candidates who seek to cripple the poor and stifle the vulnerable and believe in a God who said, “What you do to the the least of those you also do to me?”

I don’t think you can.

As a community of faith, we must resist those who make unjust laws and abandon their neighbors in word and deed. We must also fortify a gospel that demands love, inclusion and equality. We must resist!

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